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Lawyer Meltdown

Who I Help

What kind of lawyers does Legal Ease Consulting, Inc. help? My clients are solo practitioners or small to mid-sized law firms that want to improve …

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How I Work

How I Work

What can you expect when working with Legal Ease Consulting? We will start by defining your vision for your firm. We’ll get specific about your future…

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meltdown illustration

Lawyer Meltdown

Are you headed for a Lawyer Meltdown? Do you recognize these warning signs?
You can stop lawyer meltdown in its tracks and reverse the time …

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How Allison Got Started
Preventing Lawyer Meltdowns

The way most lawyers practice law is killing them.
The current state of the legal profession – the billable hour model, pressure to work ever longer and harder and increased competition – all work against not only the best interests of lawyers themselves, but also against the best interests of their clients.

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Use Canva to Create Marketing Assets

One of my favorite tools to create marketing images is Canva. Canva has both free and paid versions, but I highly recommend that you get the paid version because it has a lot more features. You will find that it …

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close up shot of printed photos

Two Ways to Create Marketing Images

Want original, copyright-free images for your marketing? Create your own. Here are two ways you can create your own marketing images: Create Images Using AI You can use AI tools to create images for you. Personally, I’m not a fan …

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person using laptop computer during daytime

Where to Find Images for Your Marketing

Where can you find quality images for your marketing? The first thing to consider when looking for images is copyright. You need to make sure that you are not violating the rights of the image’s creator or using an image …

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