To take control of your practice, you need to know what kind of future you want from your firm.
This e-booklet includes exercises you can do alone or with others to help you create an effective vision and mission statement for your law firm.
Even associates or solos will benefit from identifying their personal mission and creating their own vision for their professional career.
“I want to take control of my practice, but I don’t know where to start”
This is a common lament that I hear from clients and potential clients. It doesn’t matter whether you’re just starting out, you’re new to managing your own practices, or you’ve been in practice for years. If you want to create a practice filled with high value clients, a practice that you enjoy and that meets your needs intellectually and financially, you’ve got to begin at the beginning. But where is the beginning?
Where do you start?
In order to create a practice that can sustain you, both financially and intellectually, your practice must be filled with the kinds of work and the kinds of clients that you enjoy. Often, lawyers build their practices by accident. While flexibility is important, and it’s true that many lawyers have built satisfying practices in areas they never dreamed of, it’s important to begin with a plan of action.
But there’s one step – before the plan – that’s often overlooked.
That one step is the vision/mission step. (Well, maybe it’s really two steps). In order to make a plan, you’ve got to know the end result that you’re seeking. You can’t determine how to get to your destination until you know what that destination is.
You’re not alone if you’ve been so busy trying to run your practice and do your client work, but haven’t given much thought to where it’s all taking you, or if you don’t know your firm’s destination.
Many lawyers can’t answer two important questions:
What do you want your practice to look like in the future?
What is the current mission of your practice?
The goal of this workbook is to help you answer those questions, and to craft vision and mission statements that will inspire you and help you to build the practice of your dreams.
But what if I’m not in charge?
Even if you’re not in charge of your firm, you’re always in charge of your own career. Completing the exercises contained in this workbook will help you identify what you want from your career. You’ll know what kinds of assignments you want to work on, and what kinds of clients you’ll work best with. Then you can keep an eye out for those assignments, or look for ways to work with those clients. Perhaps you’ll even learn something about what kind of firm you want to work for – and whether the firm you’re with is a good fit for you.
For only $24.99, you’ll have a step by step guide to creating an effective vision of the practice you want, and a mission statement both you and your clients can relate to.
The workbook contains exercises that will help you define what’s important to you in the practice of law, and to define the underlying passion that drives your practice – regardless of your position with your firm. Tapping into that passion is the key to constructing a practice that works for you, rather than the other way around. The vision and mission statements will inform all parts of your practice, from your marketing to your systems to your clients and your practice areas.
This 20+ page workbook and the exercises within were developed through hours of discussion, questioning, and working with clients like you.
The Guarantee
I’m so certain that this workbook will provide you with new insights about your practice and help you to identify a direction for your practice that I’m offering this workbook with a 100% money-back guarantee.
That’s right! Read the workbook, do the exercises, and if you can show me that you’ve done the work but you still feel you haven’t learned anything of value, I’ll refund your money, no questions asked.
YES! I want to learn how to create the kind of practice I’ve always wanted – and one my clients will be happy to work with. Send me to the Products page, where I can click to buy the workbook!

Allison C. Shields
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc
Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices
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