Articles & Videos

Creating an Exceptional (and Ethical) LinkedIn Presence

Maintaining your professional network is even more crucial now than it ever has been, and LinkedIn is an often overlooked resource for doing so. Although a large majority of lawyers have a LinkedIn presence, few lawyers use it strategically or obtain the maximum benefits from using it. Allison C. Johs, co-author of Make LinkedIn Work for …

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How to Use LinkedIn Publisher

Do you want to get more visibility and engagement with your website content? Or do you want to build up your authority and reputation, but don’t have your own website yet? LinkedIn Publisher platform can help you with both of those objectives. LinkedIn Publisher is a publishing platform built right into LinkedIn. Any LinkedIn member …

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Allison Shields Johs image from LinkedIn premium video

Do You Need a LinkedIn Premium Account?

Do you need a premium account to get the most out of LinkedIn? This might be the single most common question I get when speaking or training on LinkedIn.  And while I will say that my co-author on Make LinkedIn Work for You, A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals is a firm …

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What Should I Do With My LinkedIn Connections?

“What should I do with my LinkedIn connections?“ This question is one I get from lawyers all of the time. They have lots of connections on LinkedIn, but they’re just sitting there – they aren’t doing much for them. In my last video, I gave a couple of suggestions to answer this question, including looking …

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LinkedIn Search Hacks

Are you having trouble finding what you want in LinkedIn Search? Or are you running into problems with LinkedIn’s search quotas on free accounts? Hi, I’m Allison Shields Johs, President of Legal Ease Consulting, where I help lawyers create more productive, more profitable, and more enjoyable law practices, and the co-author of the book, Make …

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Making the Most Out of Your LinkedIn Connections

Are you making the most of your LinkedIn connections? My co-author on Make LinkedIn Work for You, A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals, Dennis Kennedy, recently ran a poll on social media asking what one aspect of LinkedIn lawyers wanted to improve the most this year, and the winner was Connections. A …

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How to Get More Traffic to Your LinkedIn Company Page

Do you have a LinkedIn Page for your business or law firm but don’t have many followers? One of the most frequent questions I get about LinkedIn Pages (which are for businesses, as opposed to Profiles for individuals) is, “How do I get more traffic to my LinkedIn Page?” It used to be very difficult. …

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Pronunciation Problems? LinkedIn Can Help

Are you tired of people mispronouncing your name? Or are you one of those people who’s horrible about figuring out how to pronounce a name just by looking at it? If so, LinkedIn can help. Hi, I’m Allison Shields Johs, President of Legal Ease Consulting, where I help lawyers create more productive, more profitable, and …

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Introducing LinkedIn Essentials Online Course for Lawyers [video]

Is 2021 the year you finally learn how to make LinkedIn work for you? Hi, I’m Allison Shields Johs, President of Legal Ease Consulting and co-author of Make LinkedIn Work for You, A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals. This is the third LinkedIn book my co-author, Dennis Kennedy and I have written, …

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Get More Mileage From Great Client Testimonials and Recommendations

In my last several videos, I’ve talked about client recommendations – specifically on LinkedIn, but also on other sites – we’ve covered the mechanics of asking for them, as well as the best way to ask, and also talked about what makes a great recommendation. So what do you do after you get a great …

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What Makes a Great Testimonial or Recommendation?

In my last couple of videos, I talked about LinkedIn Recommendations and testimonials – why you need them and how to ask for them. But what makes for a good client recommendation or testimonial? Watch the video below and/or read on to find out! The purpose of a testimonial is to help overcome client objections …

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How to Ask for a LinkedIn Recommendation

 In my last video, I talked about why LinkedIn Recommendations are useful for lawyers and covered the mechanics of asking for them. But I know that some lawyers are just uncomfortable asking for recommendations. They don’t want to appear to “salesy” or to diminish their professionalism. There are ways to approach clients for recommendations or …

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Should I Request a LinkedIn Recommendation?

Earlier this year I was invited to join a Zoom meeting with estate planning attorneys from all across the United States to talk about how they could use LinkedIn better. We had a great conversation that covered a wide range of topics, but one of the questions generated a significant amount of discussion, and it …

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5 Things You’re Missing From Your LinkedIn Profile

I’ve worked with hundreds of lawyers and reviewed who knows how many lawyers’ LinkedIn Profiles, and I can tell you that most of them are missing these 5 elements: Is your LinkedIn Profile up to the challenge? Here are the 5 elements: 1. A header image – otherwise known as a cover photo. The header …

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