Get Your FREE Report: Are You Missing This Crucial Element in Your Marketing?
It’s one item that can make a huge difference in your marketing, particularly in today’s highly competitive legal marketplace. A simple step by step guide to ensure that your marketing is built around this crucial factor. I recommend you read it, and read more than once.
Even those that think they already know this realize that they’re not putting it into practice in all of their marketing materials. Use this element in conversations, websites, email campaigns, direct mail pieces, letters to clients, brochures, etc. for a dramatic effect on your marketing. What is it? To find out, you’ll have to download the report!

Why am I giving this Special Report away for free?
I like lawyers, and I started this business to help lawyers get more satisfaction out of their practice and establish better relationships with their clients. And maybe, in the process, transform some of the negative thinking about lawyers.
I believe that part of the reason why lawyers get so much ‘negative press’ is that most people just don’t ‘get’ them. They think lawyers are condescending know-it-alls.
The first step toward changing that is helping lawyers communicate better with clients and prospective clients, and one way of doing that is to teach lawyers how to let their personality shine through, and to differentiate themselves as unique individuals (or in the case of law firms, unique entities) that have distinct personalities.
This report is all about getting lawyers to identify what is different about them, and how that benefits their clients.
“Allison really knows the business, and knows how to get from point A to profit. She’s one of the best law practice management ‘coaches’ around.”
Jonathan Stein
Law Offices of Jonathan G. Stein
Personal injury, small business, insurance
Elk Grove, California
Bonuses! In addition to your FREE report, you’ll receive:

Access to my checklist for leveraging articles – if you write articles on your own website or blog, for bar association publications, trade publications or newsletters, this checklist will help you gain more visibility for those articles and more traffic to your website, and help you to build your reputation.

A bonus subscription to the lawyer meltdown newsletter. Get techniques for overcoming obstacles in your practice, finding your niche, clarifying your mission and developing your core marketing message.
Articles on networking, practice management, legal marketing, and more!
Ideas on how to motivate yourself, your associates, employees and staff, financial indicators that are important for your practice, alternative billing arrangements, communication, and other topics – you can even send me an email and suggest topics you’d like to hear about.
Simple tips for auditing your systems and procedures, assessing the ‘value’ of activities, plus extra bonuses and goodies for subscribers!
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Check out my Articles page – it contains articles on topics including practice management, marketing, ethics and professionalism. My mission is to help lawyers work smarter and better so that no more lawyers defect from the profession, and so that the lawyers who stay are happier, healthier, and better able to provide outstanding service to their clients.

Allison C. Shields
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc
Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices

P.S. Found a mistake or a bug? If there’s anything that bothers you about this site, I want to know! Send me an email at I want this site to be not just a resource, but a refuge for lawyers. I want you to be comfortable here. So if there’s something that bothers you, please tell me!
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