Articles & Videos

Using Visuals in Lawyer Marketing: Lawyer Meltdown Newsletter October 2012

Using Visuals in Lawyer Marketing Whether you believe the theories about the differences in learning styles (some people learn better visually, some by listening, etc.) or not, it is hard to deny that the world has become more and more visual. This may be due in part to the massive increase in online activity; people read and …

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Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Network? (Part I)

I just read a great article in the December 2005 Harvard Business Review, entitled, “How to Build Your Network,” by Brian Uzzi and Shannon Dunlap. The article also references The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell. Both are interesting reads about how networks work,and how to make them work effectively for you. When I was still with my …

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Don’t Be a Wallflower: Networking Alone

Ever been to a law firm event and seen lawyers from the same firm stuck together all night like conjoined twins, not interacting with anyone else? Unfortunately, the tendency for colleagues to stick together at events such as this and not talk to anyone else is very common – even among firm veterans. And it’s a …

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Have You Forgotten the Most Important Aspect of Your Website?

“To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.” -Friedrich Nietzsche I like to start off my relationship with any client by discussing their purpose – not just the purpose for the individual project or problem we’ll be working on together, but the client’s overall purpose for their firm. It’s an integral part of every …

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Does Your Website Forget About Your Clients?

Your firm just finished its next generation website. It’s got new colors and sophisticated looking graphics. You’ve finally posted bios of all of the lawyers in the firm, complete with photos and contact information. You’ve outlined your practice areas. Your site promises clients a broad range of experience, quality service, and superior results. So what’s the problem? The problem is …

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Are You Educating Your Clients and Prospects?

Education is key to attracting prospects and keeping current clients. Is your website a tool for educating your clients? Does it contain articles written by you or others in your firm? Does it explain relevant areas of the law? Your website is a place that prospects and clients often get a first or second ‘look’ at you – …

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Are You A Good Storyteller?

Most good trial lawyers know that telling a story is the best way to get their point across to a jury. But many lawyers forget that storytelling is an essential part of their everyday practice. Even attorneys that will never see the inside of a courtroom can benefit from being good storytellers. The February issue of Entrepreneur …

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