Articles & Videos
person using laptop computer during daytime

Where to Find Images for Your Marketing

Where can you find quality images for your marketing? The first thing to consider when looking for images is copyright. You need to make sure that you are not violating the rights of the image’s creator or using an image without permission. 4 Places to Find Images for Your Marketing You can pay for images …

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tiles spelling out SEO

Are You Using Keywords Strategically on Your Website?

Are you using keywords strageically on your law firm website? Keywords are words that your potential clients would use to search the internet for a lawyer who does what you do. The golden rule of writing website copy is to write for human beings first, and search engines second. So you should never force or …

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Allison Shields Johs video still 3 Cs of Strong Websites

3 C’s of Strong Websites

Did you know that 75% of people judge a business by their website? While lawyers may think this isn’t true for them, the fact is that, especially now, when many of our encounters are purely virtual, more and more potential clients will be judging you by your website. A weak website can cost you up …

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Get More Mileage From Great Client Testimonials and Recommendations

In my last several videos, I’ve talked about client recommendations – specifically on LinkedIn, but also on other sites – we’ve covered the mechanics of asking for them, as well as the best way to ask, and also talked about what makes a great recommendation. So what do you do after you get a great …

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What Makes a Great Testimonial or Recommendation?

In my last couple of videos, I talked about LinkedIn Recommendations and testimonials – why you need them and how to ask for them. But what makes for a good client recommendation or testimonial? Watch the video below and/or read on to find out! The purpose of a testimonial is to help overcome client objections …

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Checklist for a Client-Focused Website

10 Questions to Ensure that Your Website Attracts Clients Are your clients described on your site? Can your clients ‘see’ themselves anywhere on your site? Is there sufficient detail so that clients will read it and say, ‘that’s me’? Does your site include testimonials from representative clients, or case studies of typical matters you handle …

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Have You Forgotten the Most Important Aspect of Your Website?

“To forget one’s purpose is the commonest form of stupidity.” -Friedrich Nietzsche I like to start off my relationship with any client by discussing their purpose – not just the purpose for the individual project or problem we’ll be working on together, but the client’s overall purpose for their firm. It’s an integral part of every …

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