Articles & Videos

Setting Goals for LinkedIn

It’s January, and that means you’re probably thinking about New Year’s resolutions like finally getting organized and goals for the year, like financial targets or numbers of new clients, but have you ever considered setting goals for how you use LinkedIn? Hi, I’m Allison Shields, President of Legal Ease Consulting and one of the authors …

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Make LinkedIn Work for You, A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals book cover

Make LinkedIn Work for You: Now Available!

With the holidays approaching, it’s time to think about holiday gifts, and I’ve got a great gift suggestion for you – which also happens to be one of my major accomplishments this year, and that is the release of my new book, with my co-author, Dennis Kennedy – Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical …

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Count your blessings-beach at sunset

Gratitude is Good for Business

Today I’d like to talk to you a little bit about gratitude. As Thanksgiving and the holiday season approach, I think it’s a good time to take some time to think about what we’re grateful for, whether that be our good health, our education that allowed us to be where we are today, our families, …

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LinkedIn Groups: A Targeting Opportunity

Hi, I’m Allison Shields, President of Legal Ease Consulting, and co-author of the upcoming book, Make LinkedIn Work for You, a Practical Handbook for Lawyers and other Legal Professionals. A recent survey of in-house counsel revealed that although in-house lawyers are using LinkedIn, and consuming content from outside counsel, they feel that lawyers don’t do …

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LinkedIn: Your Modern-Day Rolodex

Hi, I’m Allison Shields, President of Legal Ease Consulting, where I help lawyers with practice management, marketing and business development, including LinkedIn. Even with all of the technology available today, most lawyers tell me that they get most of their clients through word of mouth referrals. Their best business development efforts are aimed at networking, …

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Make Your LinkedIn Connections Work for You

Hi, I’m Allison Shields, President of Legal Ease Consulting, where I help lawyers get the most out of LinkedIn. And today, my question for you is, “What are you doing with your LinkedIn connections?” So many times I talk to lawyers and they tell me they’re sending and accepting invitations to connect on LinkedIn, but …

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Which Posts Get the Most Engagement on LinkedIn?

Do you want to increase visibility and engagement with your LinkedIn posts? Hi, it’s Allison Shields from Legal Ease Consulting where I help lawyers build the practices they want and attract their ideal clients using tools like LinkedIn. In my last couple of videos, I talked about using hashtags and mentioning connections as two ways …

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Mention Connections to Get Attention on LinkedIn

In this video in my LinkedIn series, I talk about mentioning or tagging connections as a way to boost visibility and get some additional engagement from your posts. Hi, I’m Allison Shields from Legal Ease Consulting, Inc., and in today I want to talk about another way to increase engagement with your posts on LinkedIn. …

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