Articles & Videos
person using laptop computer during daytime

Where to Find Images for Your Marketing

Where can you find quality images for your marketing? The first thing to consider when looking for images is copyright. You need to make sure that you are not violating the rights of the image’s creator or using an image without permission. 4 Places to Find Images for Your Marketing You can pay for images …

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How Posting Checklists Can Help Your Marketing

Do you often forget to add images, links, or a call to action to your blog or social media posts? A posting checklist can help. What to Include in Your Posting Checklist Your checklist can ensure that your post includes things like: Once you’ve created your post, simply run through the checklist to ensure you …

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professional women shaking hands

Mentoring Women in Your Firm

Did you know that a recent study showed that when a female entrepreneur is guided by a female mentor, her sales increased by an average of 32 percent?   The same study revealed that female entrepreneurs paired with male mentors did not significantly improve their performance. This success of the female mentoring pairs was attributed …

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female robot with gears

What Does It Mean To Be Yourself And Add Value On Social Media?

What do I mean when I say be yourself, be genuine, and add value on social media? In my last video I talked about the contrast between being yourself on social media and using AI to post and comment for you. AI Can’t Be You If you are a service provider, like a lawyer, accountant, …

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Should You Use AI to Post on Social Media?

Should you use AI to post, or even comment for you on social media? Let me ask this another way – would you rather network with a robot or a human being? Choose Value over Volume I don’t know about you, but I’ve been seeing more and more activity on social media, including comments to …

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How to Auto-Archive Email

Do you wish you could make old email messages magically disappear? Actually, you can. You just need to do some advance planning. If you have whole categories of email messages that you don’t want to delete immediately, but that you don’t want to retain indefinitely either, (for example, email newsletters you receive regularly), you can …

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Publish Content Consistently with an Editorial Calendar

Do you struggle with managing, tracking, and consistently creating and publishing content for your firm or organization? If so, an editorial calendar can help. Editorial calendars are useful visual tools for: When you use an editorial calendar, rather than creating content haphazardly or wasting time trying to come up with an idea at the last …

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scrabble letters spelling the word update on a white table

Notify Employees of LinkedIn Posts

Are you struggling to get your employees to re-share the content your firm or organization posts on its LinkedIn Page? If so, this short video may help. If you’re a Page Administrator and your employees have listed your firm in the Experience section on their LinkedIn profile, you can notify them when you’ve posted something …

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