Are you using keywords strageically on your law firm website?
Keywords are words that your potential clients would use to search the internet for a lawyer who does what you do.
The golden rule of writing website copy is to write for human beings first, and search engines second. So you should never force or “stuff” keywords into your site. But as you are writing your web copy, you should think about using keywords strategically in a way that flows naturally on the page.
What do I mean by using keywords strategically? Well, did you know that each page on your website should target a different set of keywords?
And did you know that there are certain “power positions” on each webpage that Google and other search engines pay more attention to?

When reading your web pages, search engines use algorithms, or specific sets of rules to determine what the page is about and to decide whether to return that page as a result in a search query. And they give more importance to certain elements on your web page, because the search engines assume that the copy that is used in those elements is likely a good indicator of what the page is about.
There are 5 power positions on your web pages where you should consider including your targeted keywords:
- Headlines – especially the main (H1) headline on the page
- Subheads
- Bold text
- Link text
- Captions
If your keywords are incorporated into those power positions, your web page will rank higher in search for those keywords.
As I’ve mentioned in other videos, to be most effective, keywords also should be incorporated in your site’s meta-data, the behind the scenes code for the page that search engines see, but visitors don’t.
See more videos about law firm websites:
- Do You Have a Marketing Budget?
- Is Inconsistent Communication Hurting Your Firm?
- No Time for a LinkedIn Company Page?
- LinkedIn Premium Company Pages
- Why Create a LinkedIn Company Page if You’re a Solo?
- Securing Your LinkedIn Account
- Increase the Reach of LinkedIn Company Page Posts
- Have You Forgotten About Your LinkedIn Company Page?
- Is LinkedIn Using Your Data to Train Its AI?
- Leveraging Google Business Offers