What to Post on LinkedIn (Part 2)

In my last video, I talked about what to post on LinkedIn if you are a content creator – if you have a blog, write articles, do presentations, etc. But what if you aren’t a content creator? Never fear – there are still plenty of ways for you to post on LinkedIn.

The truth is, you don’t have to have your own content to be successful on LinkedIn. Every single day, other people are creating content for you that you can use to educate, inform, or entertain your target audience on LinkedIn.

Think about it: very few lawyers create new laws or completely novel arguments. Lawyers are experts at finding information relevant to their client’s case or transaction, and analyzing that information to persuade a judge, a jury, opposing parties or other participants in a transaction. You can do the same thing on LinkedIn by simply finding information that would be useful to your clients or referral sources – and that information doesn’t always have to be strictly about the law.

The lawyers who use LinkedIn the most effectively are not the lawyers who are always talking about themselves or their cases – they are the lawyers who are providing information their audience can actually USE. For a divorce lawyer that might be posting about services for families in their local community. If you’re a real estate lawyer, that might mean linking to an article about how to find a reputable moving company, or a YouTube video on packing tips. A debt relief lawyer I know posts all kinds of articles, information and resources about things like how to save on school supplies and where to find the best credit card deals.

As I’ve said before, it’s about providing value to your audience. The news can be a fantastic source for posts, as can trade or special interest publications or websites. You can post about or link to an article in the local news that relates to your practice area. Or post about events in your local community.

When it comes to posting on LinkedIn, the only limit is your creativity.

I’m Allison Shields, President of Legal Ease Consulting, and I help lawyers use resources like LinkedIn to identify and attract their ideal clients. If you found this video helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues. You can find more tips and information about what I do here on my website.

Have an idea for a future video? Let me know in the comments below!