Tips For Obtaining Client Feedback

Seeking feedback from clients is important. But what is the most effective way to obtain this information? The answer may depend on the kind of practice you have and the nature of the particular client – whether it’s an ongoing relationship or a ‘one time’ client.

So many lawyers boast in their marketing materials, on their websites, in firm brochures, etc., that they provide ‘excellent client service.’ Ultimately, in order to back up those claims, law firms need to connect with their clients in meaningful ways – by staying in touch, by showing interest, by learning about the client’s business, by anticipating clients’ needs, by providing solutions that make sense from the client’s point of view, and by checking back with clients to see whether they feel that we’re doing enough. Sometimes the best way to serve our clients is to admit what we don’t know and set about learning it – whether directly from them, or from other sources.

Client feedback can be sought through completion of client surveys or feedback forms sent to a client upon completion of each matter. The advantage to this type of system is that many clients will be more forthcoming on paper than they would be when speaking directly to a lawyer from the firm, particularly if the lawyer is one with whom the client works on a regular basis. The disadvantages of using forms is that many clients will not bother to complete the forms, particularly where the concluded matter is a ‘one time only’ engagement.

One possible solution to this dilemma is to provide the client with an opportunity to provide feedback to the firm earlier in the process, thus allowing the firm an opportunity to learn whether the client is happy with their experience of the firm and to correct any misunderstandings while the matter is ongoing.

Written feedback forms should not be too long or too cumbersome to complete, lest they discourage the client from responding. A few ‘narrative’ questions may be helpful, however, for written format feedback, ratings-type questions (for example 1-5) may be easier and faster for a client to complete. 

David Maister, in his book Managing the Professional Services Firm, contends that client surveys with 25 or so ratings-type questions are simple for clients to complete and have historically been shown to communicate the firm’s desire to improve while allowing the client to provide both positive and negative feedback. Maister contends that response rates to questionnaires of this kind are high where the client is aware that the questionnaire is coming, and where the questionnaire is returned to the firm, rather than to the specific partner with whom the client deals on a regular basis.

Another way to obtain client feedback is to schedule an interview with the client at the completion of the matter. If possible, this interview should be conducted by a senior lawyer in the firm, although not necessarily the lawyer that regularly handles this client’s matters – once again encouraging candor. 

The following are some general areas to cover when requesting comments from clients on their experience with your firm:

  • The client’s overall experience with the firm
  • Experience with lawyers
  • Experience with non-lawyer staff
  • Responsiveness
  • Communications with the client
  • Technical ability

Some narrative questions can be included as well. Ask what suggestions the client has to make the client’s experience more enjoyable or improve the firm’s service, what would encourage the client to hire your firm in the future (or recommend the firm to a friend or colleague), what areas the client thinks the firm could improve and in what areas the client thinks the firm excels. 

Many clients appreciate the opportunity to praise particular individuals within the firm (including the non-lawyer staff) with whom the client has dealt, particularly on long-term engagements. Some firms may want to include an opportunity for the client to identify the individuals with whom the client interacted by name and to provide specific comments about the service they received from those individuals.

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Allison C. Shields
Legal Ease Consulting, Inc
Creating Productive, Profitable and Enjoyable Law Practices

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1 thought on “Tips For Obtaining Client Feedback”

  1. Thanks for sharing this advice on getting client feedback! I agree that it is important for any type of lawyer to get as much feedback as possible. That way, they can know if they are doing a good job or not. After all, past clients can be the best form of advertising!

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