Increase Post Visibility on LinkedIn with Hashtags

One way to get more visibility and engagement from your LinkedIn post is by using hashtags (#).

Do you want to get more visibility and more engagement from your LinkedIn posts?

Hi, I’m Allison Shields from Legal Ease Consulting, Inc., where I help lawyers build the kinds of practices they want and attract their ideal clients using tools like LinkedIn.

In my last two videos, I talked about what to post on LinkedIn whether you create your own content or simply share content created by others. But either way, all of your Connections on LinkedIn are not going to see all of your posts. The more engagement (likes, comments and shares) a post receives, the more visibility it gets, and the more visibility it gets, the more chance there is for engagement.

In my next few videos, I’ll show you a few methods you can use to increase engagement with your posts on LinkedIn. Today, we’re going to talk about hashtags.

You’re probably familiar with hashtags from other social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram, but hashtags are relatively new on LinkedIn. And LinkedIn has really embraced hashtags. For example, when you start typing a post, LinkedIn will suggest hashtags to add to the post based on the content of that post. LinkedIn users can also choose to follow hashtags or they can search for hashtags. That means that if you use hashtags in your posts, you’ll increase the visibility of those posts.

But don’t go overboard using too many hashtags on each post. I recommend using no more than three per post. And put your most important hashtag first.

If you’re not sure which hashtags to include in your post, you can find them by searching for popular hashtags on LinkedIn, or look at the Profiles of industry leaders in your industry or your target audience and look at the skills, interests, and keywords that are on their Profiles and use them to create your hashtags.

Again, I’m Allison Shields from Legal Ease Consulting. Visit my website at for more videos like this and for information about my soon to be released book, Make LinkedIn Work for You, written with my co-author, Dennis Kennedy, especially for lawyers and other legal professionals.

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