De-Clutter Your Email Inbox

Does your email inbox contain thousands of messages? Do you waste a lot of time searching your email inbox for that important email message or attachment?

January is National Clean Up Your Computer Month, so it’s a perfect time for you to address these issues.

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Three Ways to Clean Up Your Inbox

The first step in getting control of your email is eliminating email messages that you don’t need.

1. Delete Immediately

Start developing the habit now of deleting messages immediately that you don’t need as you review them, instead of letting them languish in your inbox.

2. Unsubscribe

Unsubscribe from email lists that no longer serve you – or have them moved to your junk folder if you’re concerned about the legitimacy of the sender.

3. Sort and eliminate

Next, delete existing messages from your inbox by using the sort feature.

First, sort by date in reverse order. The older the message, the less likely it is that you will need it.

Next, sort by “from” – this will allow you to eliminate all of the messages from those pesky senders who email you daily (while you’re at it, unsubscribe from those you wish to stop receiving).

Finally, sort by subject. Sorting by subject should group related messages together, so if you need to save them, you can archive them or move them easily to the file where they belong.

Looking for more help? Check out these resources:

Watch the email tips playlist –More Efficient Email or my productivity playlist on YouTube.

Subscribe to my e-newsletter for monthly tips.

Pick up a copy of How to Do More in Less Time here.