Are you following current best practices in your marketing?
Actually, I hate the term “best practices,” and here are three reasons I think lawyers should consider ignoring them – at least when it comes to their marketing.
First, the term “best practices” implies that there is a one-size-fits-all approach that you should take. But the whole point of marketing and business development is for you to stand out in the marketplace and to differentiate yourself from other lawyers who do what you do. But if everyone is doing exactly the same thing, how can you stand out?
Second, every lawyer has different strengths and weaknesses. If you are more comfortable connecting one-on-one than speaking to large groups, why force yourself to pursue speaking engagements? You will only be uncomfortable, stressed-out, or you will avoid marketing entirely because you don’t want to do public speaking. Similarly, if you struggle with writing, why start a blog?
The best results will always be achieved when you enjoy what you are doing so that it doesn’t feel like work.
And finally, not all clients are created equal – different clients have different needs and consume information in different ways. A “best practice” that doesn’t meet your clients where they are isn’t a best practice at all.
So the next time you hear about a “best practice” evaluate for yourself whether the recommendation is one that makes sense for you, your clients and your practice.
Tell me in the comments what marketing activities you hate (or love). And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you don’t miss any of my videos!
More legal marketing videos:
- Do You Have a Marketing Budget?
- Is Inconsistent Communication Hurting Your Firm?
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- LinkedIn Premium Company Pages
- Why Create a LinkedIn Company Page if You’re a Solo?
- Securing Your LinkedIn Account
- Increase the Reach of LinkedIn Company Page Posts
- Have You Forgotten About Your LinkedIn Company Page?
- Is LinkedIn Using Your Data to Train Its AI?
- Leveraging Google Business Offers
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