Do You Have a Don’t Do List? [video]

Do you have a don’t do list?

What the heck is a “don’t do list?”

Find out in this video – or scroll down to read more.

A don’t do list is the opposite of a to-do list. A to-do list contains all of the items or tasks you want to complete – all of the things you have to or want to do. A don’t do list is all of the things you shouldn’t do, don’t need to do, or want to stop doing.

text on chalkboard
Photo by cottonbro on

Remember – productivity isn’t just about getting the most things done in the shortest amount of time. And it isn’t all about efficiency – it isn’t all about getting things done in the fastest, most economical way possible. It’s also about choosing the right things to focus on and identifying what is most important to move your business forward. And it’s about ensuring that you have time to take care of yourself and enjoy your friends and family. Sometimes it’s easier to do that by thinking first about what isn’t so important and eliminating those things.

What should be on your don’t do list?

The don’t do list includes all of the things that don’t require your specific knowledge, expertise, or personal touch, or don’t contribute to your goals..

Your don’t do list can include everything from things that you shouldn’t do at all anymore, to things you can delegate to others, to technology, or even clients or areas of business that aren’t working for you anymore.

Again, I’m Allison Johs from Legal Ease Consulting. What does the don’t do list look like for you? Tell me in the comments below.

If you want to learn more about the don’t do list, check out the article I wrote on the topic:

Want more on Don’t Do Lists? Check out my article here:

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