5 Ways to Take LinkedIn to the Next Level

In this series of videos, I’ve been talking about how to get more engagement on LinkedIn. We’ve talked about commenting, both on your own posts and on other people’s posts, re-sharing other people’s content with your own thoughts, asking questions in a post, and posting polls.

But once you start getting that engagement, how do you keep it going? How do you continue the conversation and build on it?

Here are five ideas:

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1. Continue the Comment Conversation

Keep monitoring those comments – whether you’re commenting on your own posts or other people’s posts, think about how you can add extra value through additional comments. And make sure you reply to the comments left by others on the same post.

2. Post in a Group

If a post or comment gets good engagement, consider re-posting it in a LinkedIn Group whose members might be interested in that topic.

3. Tag People in Future Posts

Keep track of the people who engage with you about specific topics and tag them in future posts around the same topic to get their input and insights.

4. Create a Follow-Up Poll

Got a good response to a poll you posted on LinkedIn? Consider creating a follow up post about your results, or follow up with another poll to refine the results or get additional input.

5. Invite People to Connect or Send a Direct Message

Reach out more directly to the people who have engaged with you. Where appropriate, send a request to connect – and reference the post or topic you’ve been interacting with them about. If you’re already connected, consider sending them a message through LinkedIn to continue the conversation. You might even suggest a phone call or meeting to get to know one another better.

I’d love to hear whether you’ve tried any of these tips to get more engagement from LinkedIn, and what has worked for you. Let me know in the comments.

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